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Exhibitor Details

Stand : G10
LiveWell Initiative LWI

Company Profile

LiveWell Initiative LWI is a registered nonprofit social enterprise which offers 'turnkey health solutions'. The organisation along with its subsidiaries - the Women in Hepatitis Africa WIHA, LWI Bay, Extraordinary Women Advancing Healthcare Awards EWAH, Global Public Health University GPHU, among others, is an innovative CSO with several Projects and Strategic Business Units. A Regular Participant at the Pharma West Africa, LWI Offers other participating companies the opportunity to showcase their products goods and services through the LWI Stand which as an NGO Platform, shall offer noninvasive basic biometric screenings like the Stress Test, Breath Test etc at the Event; to help sensitize attendees to their health, and the Business of Healthcare. LWI is also willing to matchmake companies

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Country: Nigeria